Hello All. I hope you're having a good weekend. I was thrilled today to get my first dose of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccination. I just hope Hubby will be able to get his soon too.
On Creative JumpStart, we learned some ways to create mini books, which will come in quite handy to use up gel prints.
On Day 20, Amanda Trought showed us some simple cuts and folds to create little doodle journals.
On Day 21, Andrea Chebeleu showed us how to create different watercolour meditative patterns and marks on both sides of paper, then to cut them up to make into a journal.
On Day 24, Diana Trout showed us a few techniques with watercolour, perfect pearls and stencils, creating patterns on both sides of a piece of paper, then folding and cutting to create a maze book.
Thanks for dropping by today,
Alison xox