Tuesday 28 May 2024

100 Days of Gelliprinting - Week 13

 Hello All.

Here are my gelliprints for week 13 of the 100 day project. I'll post my final prints tomorrow.

Day 85

Day 86

Day 87

Day 88

Day 89

Day 90

Day 91

Thanks for looking. I'll be back tomorrow with my final set of prints.

Alison xox


  1. Hi Alison, hope you are doing well and it's not too hot there yet. I love the effects you got and the blue/pink/orange combos are cool. XOX

  2. Love all the fabulous gelli prints.
    Carol x

  3. Fabulous prints, Alison! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  4. You've been very creative with all your Gelli prints Alison. I like this batch, especially the light one and also day 90. Have a super end of your week. hugs-Erika

  5. Having a great time catching up on your gelliprints. LOVE #87. Love the feel of movement on that one and the colours too!!



Thank you so much for taking the time to stop here. I love to hear what you think, every comment is very much appreciated.