Friday 17 May 2024

100 Days of Gelliprinting - Week 12

 Hi Everyone.

Here are my week 12 gelliprints.

Day 78

Day 79

Day 80

Day 81

Day 82

Day 83

Day 84

I'm on the home stretch now. I hope you're still enjoying seeing these pieces of collage fodder. I know I'm loving making them.

Thanks for visiting,

Alison xox


  1. These are very cool-once again! I even over the ghost print Alison. Maybe it's not an actual ghost print, but I love the left overs and the print it made. Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

  2. These are going to be incredible on your collage art. Love Day 84!


  3. A very nice assortment of prints! I'm sure you will make great use of them, xox

  4. Wow! These are fabulous. I love the colors.


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop here. I love to hear what you think, every comment is very much appreciated.